Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Riot Girls of Pachuca, Hidalgo: International Women's Day 2023

Someone really just wanted to smash glass.

I'd overheard people talking on the sidewalk as the endless march approached and sevetal seemed a bit concerned about safety. The vandalism was not a promising sign for a peaceful event.

Wise or not, I wanted a closer look. There were police everywhere, prepared for the worst.  

As close as I can gather, the main complaint of the march was violence against women, not exactly the thing that can be legislated out of existence. It's already against the law isn't it?  And it's not like we'll ever have a world where all the bullies and bad men just go away.

So, call it a protest if you like or just a collective demonstration of rage, a fun way to let off steam in the relative safety of a crowd.

I appreciate the extra effort some women put into their signs.

There was nothing threatening about any of the women I was near. A completely wholesome bunch.

 It really is a shame about the destruction. Every large group will be infiltrated by instigators. Instigators will try to escalate violence. It is almost impossible to control
them from within and these acts will discredit the group.

The day after

A massive work force gathers to clean up the mess from the night before

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