Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Umarela 2023

Umarela is back and it is wonderful. This is our first time celebrating Christmas in the exuberant UMAR way since 2019.  Some of our participants for 2019 had only just begun their studies with us so they are still here.  Look closely and you will recognize more than a few faces from last time.  

Here is another favorite tradition, the annual Christmas lunch for all UMAR staff.

Everybody fortifies for the Umarela hike. 

I think they might be going the wrong way.

The crowd gathers near the Gas Oaxaca parking lot. 

One thing I've learned from previous years is that you can't take too many pictures.  Every year, I try to get everyone and snap photos like a madman but I always miss a few and 30 to 40% of my photos are so blurry there is nothing to do but delete them.

This picture is hardly HD but salvageable.  At least we can all recognize this guy.

Another thing we all learned from the pandemic years is that we must never take moments like these for granted.  So, come on let's go.  Time for more fun.

More of the same.  UMAR people having a good time. 

One of the wings has flopped down on my helmet.

There's a mean one.

My phone really doesn't take great pictures in dim light and the sun is already going down.  Miguel took this one of Thor with his own phone.  Not bad.

But look at the difference when I returned the favor.  Clearly he has the better camera. 

I kept snapping photos but very few turned out . 

The last good phot of the night.  Thor and Sinai.  Good times.  And the helmet is back in shape.  I stopped in at a downtown stationary store for some tape and a quick fix.

Merry Christmas, everyone.  See you in 2024!