The previous tenants didn't seem to mind the hive living right in the bamboo of the table frame. I took care of that with a liberal spray of Windex. They all came tearing out, holding little eggs over their heads. Pssst. Have a little more.
I didn't have enough patience so I bought a big can of insecticide, potent stuff guaranteed to kill cockroaches, ants and spiders. Sadly it kills geckos too. They might want to put that on the label some day.
I found the biggest of them all dried up on my window sill, newly arrived ants crawling all over him. I haven't found the bug sized babies. Maybe they escaped but I doubt it.
As reptiles go, most people would agree that geckos are cute as they come. They eat ants. Well, they weren't doing nearly a good enough job at my place. Still, they were cute and now they aren't
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