A couple of vids from Busan. The first is Seonjong Beach, near Haeundae but much quieter.
And here we have scenes of Haedong Yonggungsa
You have to see these videos on the Youtube site for the crisper high quality versions. They have an icon to click for that. If you tap the mouse on these embedded blog vids a few times, the Youtube page pops up in another window.
We arrived in Busan around noon and hit the water in our wet suits at Seonjong Beach after checking into our hotel and changing rooms after finding a used condom on the floor. Call us high maintenance guests if you like. That room wasn't even superficially clean.
Since I never quite made it standing on the board, and not for a lack of trying with practise on the beach and almost two hours struggling in the water, there's no point in blaming the serious lack of significant waves for failing to catch a ride. I saw one girl make it up on her board (I thought she might have done this before) but she wasn't going anywhere. The instructors did their almighty best. They got out there with us and tried shoving our boards toward the beach any time we had one of these ripples we called waves. I had fun and a good workout. I think it did my left shoulder some good. The good news is that there was almost no chance of anyone getting hurt. Except for Edgar. He doesn't swim and he didn't tell anyone but Ariel and I so I ratted him out to the instructors. Someone with a better chance of saving him than me needed to know.
Busan is far from the Pacific coast of Mexico in more ways than one. One of the instructors assured me they had days there with decent, even intimidating, waves. I've seen the videos on Youtube. It's true. And there are some dedicated surfers in Korea that must get very excited on wave days. There was supposed to be a huge surfing competetion somewhere in Busan that weekend. Shame about that.
That was the event of the day. In the evening, the tour bus took everyone downtown to hit the clubs and find their own way back. Ariel and I took the second option and hopped out at Haeundae Beach to check out the sand cupltures and talk about life and women. A giant angry cigarette announced there would be no smoking near the sculpture displays. A super nice couple at a brand new Smoothie gave us free cookies. We found a Wa Wa bar, drank some over-priced beer and called it a night.
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