Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Meeting Point 2024 UMAR Huatulco

Bit by bit, UMAR Huatulco has been returning to our pre-pandemic campus life.  Back in December, we had  Umarela  for the first time in years, 
 There was still something missing.  Hmmm.  The Meeting point!  That was it.  It was time to gather again and practise speaking English with new and old friends.

Students earned tickets for this sleek bicycle all semester long with good attendance in English class, participating in The Meeting Point or by returning materials to the Comic Zone by the correct due date.

It's the big night, our final meeting of the semester.

There it is.  Shame on me.  I walked it up the hill.

Here we go.

There she is.  We found our winner.  Congratulations.  Hashira del Carmen Sanchez Aguilar!

We had other smaller prizes for a lucky few.  Sure, there was only one bicycle but they were all winners in that room.

We will all meet again.  See everyone next semester.

Sending a big thanks to all students who participated and all professors who participated and encouraged their students to come.  You rock so hard!  
Special thanks to David Sarquis and Pablo Glasheen.

Extra special thanks to Irma, the lady behind the scenes who made everything roll.  We don't have pictures of Irma here because she was always on the other side of the camera.  Irma also provided everyone with natural mango drink from fresh mangoes every week!  Unforgettable.  Thank you, Irma.


Joe said...

You certainly go the extra mile helping your students Edward and keeping it fun.

priendly said...

It's a fun job.

Anonymous said...

You make it fun Edward. You’re an exceptional teacher.