One thing about a sabbatical is that, while you have all the time in the world to go out and play, everyone you know is occupied in the real world with daily responsibilities. You get to make your own fun.
My gracious hosts, Natalie and Francisco, both have jobs, leaving me to explore the fabulous and immense city of Leon independently. Francisco had paved the way for me with detailed idiot-proof instructions on how to use the transit system and downloaded an app for me for the Opti-Bus transit system which gives step by step instructions to get from wherever you happen to be to wherever you want to go. All you need to know is your destination.
It's a bicycle friendly town.
Bull fighting is a local theme.
I had to know where this bridge was going.
Back at the Panteon Taurino Museo. It's more of a restaurant than a museum but a little of both and the manager welcomed me inside to check the place out even though I was already stuffed from Rock Burger.
The altar of tequila.
Huh? This picture of the Templo Expiatorio is so good, I would almost think someone else took it but I was there. Cathedrals can make difficult shots I've found because so often there isn't enough room to back up and take them all in.
This is a tourist attraction but it still felt a bit awkward taking pictures inside. It's an active church too.
Sculpted iron doors.

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