Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Is Coming to Huatulco

Christmas festivities may be even more important here in Huatulco than back in Canada. If it weren't for municipal Christmas decorations and parades, I think it could pass right by without notice with no snow and plummeting temperatures to keep us posted.
At UMAR Huatulco, we have Umarela, our annual pre-Christmas vacation extravaganza which happens every year on the second to last day of classes.

From right to left: Ita, Esmeralda and Suri all ready for the merriment.  It's a big day for everybody.
University staff are treated to a special lunch in the space behind our auditorium.


Alright.  Everybody's happy.  It's time for the show.
Umarela was a little more laid back this year.  It was held in our comfortable air conditioned auditorium.  I loved it.  Hot punch was served after the show.
Alberto and his troupe led off the show with some traditional song and dance.  Those little guitars are called jaranas.   I don't feel too confident about my spelling.

What are the odds you're ever going to get an unposed picture of eight people without a least one hand over a face?
Sadly, I don't have too many photos of the show.  The Samsung kept failing me.  It hasn't been dependable for quite a while.  It says "Card Error" and refuses to do anything.  It didn't help that I was holding the Sony Action Cam in my right hand and the Samsung in my left.  On the plus side, I have the entire show on video. I should have taken the cam out of the casing though.  The picture is misted and the sound is muffled on everything.  It could have been worse.

Some mystery students performed a hilarious Christmas themed act including silent caroling.  In some ways, this video turned out the best as sound quality wasn't really an issue.

Even with the muffled sound, you can appreciate the great music from this duet which closed the show.

By now, you're probably feeling pumped for Christmas yourself.  It's a sentimental time of year and I was thrilled to find a live concert of the great El Vez performing "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" at the Horshoe Tavern in Toronto in 2012.  It took me back. 

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