
A few weeks ago, I was driving home on the lunch break with my visor up, enjoying the sea breeze, when a hornet smacked me in the face and stung me under my right eye. I had to pull over and cry for about five minutes. Of course that didn´t stop me from riding. I´m just more conscientious about the visor now.

That same week, I was behind Autoaccesso, having a cigarette, when I saw the biggest snake I have ever seen outside of a glass cage in a zoo. I assumed the rustle in the bushes was a startled iguana at first. Wrong. I backed up against the wall and gave it lots of personal space. This thing was big enough to hurt me even if it wasn´t poisonous. Did that stop me from camping on Playa Organo with the gang that weekend. Not at all, but it came down to whether or not I could find a snake proof tent. Richard helped me out and off I went.

Generally I keep to the rule of never swimming in the ocean after dark. I break that rule at Santa Cruz pretty often because the water is calm and the shore is well lit. I broke it again at Organo that weekend and I´m glad. The water was relatively calm and we had a nice fire on the beach to serve as a beacon. It was one of those nights of phosphorescent water when every stroke you take sends out bright sparks of luminescent light. There is nothing like it.

We live in a beach resort but no one I know wakes up to a view of the beach. It was such a treat and the beach was all ours. Good times.