Saint John, 2023. Rockwood Park

First warmish day, perfect for hiking trails in Rockwood Park.

No skating.
Me and my good buddy, Bullwinkle.
Offering a helping hand at the working class monument.
Time to explore the death trap trail, MacKay Skyway. This is the trail where just a week previously someone planted a booby trap for cyclists with a wire stretched across the trail at neck level. The first and last victim escaped death or life-threatening injury only because he had been wearing a bicycle helmet with a full face visor. This cyclist took his protective gear seriously for good reason but no one expects a Wile E. Coyote trap.
Glad I wore my boots. Sketchers would have been the most practical choice.
There it is, the scene of the crime and my first time on this particular trail.
Most cyclists take this trail from the opposite direction for the fast and daring thrill of downhill.
It was icy enough to be treacherous but undoubtedly much more so on the previous week when the unsuspecting cyclist hit the clothesline snare left by someone with severe mental health issues.
There are enough roots and twists to wipe out on without the added trouble of snow and melting ice.
There really aren't any soft places to land if you fall over the embankment.
I can't imagine riding down this way.
Jumps for the daredevils.
One guess which route I took. These signs actually shame you for taking the less hazardous way
I groaned when I saw this steep rocky cliff. Fortunately there was an easier chicken route.
Of course, no one is expected to climb that rock. It's for descending. Um, hard pass. It's safe to assume the cyclist who hit the hidden wire was wearing full body armor. Even with all the skills in the world, no one should attempt this ride without plenty of protection.
That's the McKay Highway below.
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