The bus arrived just at dawn. This is a cold city at that time of day. I was glad to have my winter coat.

McDonald's coffee is so good. Under-rated. I walked out of there, finished my cup and did the only sensible thing. I walked right back to get a refill. And the lady didn't charge me. I hope someone did something nice for her that day too.

McDonald's breakfast. Something we don't have back home.
Second cup of coffee and oj from a street vendor. This was a good beginning.

I had lots of time to find a hotel but first I had to find a specific place. I was on a mission. Google Maps is useless, at least in the city. I spent 2 hours wandering around trying to find this place. From the bench where I'd had my coffee and oj, it was only a 5 minute walk direct from that corner. I only found it in the end by asking directions from people. That's a method that still works.
Google Maps was never going to get me to my destination but it did take me to some places I'd never seen before in this city. So, thanks, Google!
Against all odds I found a nice affordable hotel 3 minutes from the bus station. The hot water was always on and the water pressure was impressive.

Hotel room coffee.
I found the unofficial smoking section on the roof.
Time to wander.
There is so much cool architecture in this town but it can be tricky getting decent shots. You can't step off the sidewalk curb for a better shot. There is only room for vehicle traffic and it can be fast and heavy.
There it is! I asked a young woman on the street for directions.
This vintage weight scale does not work. I tried. It made some noise and something shifted inside but I still don't know how much I weigh.
I didn't wait around to see what was happening but it looks like they expected a good turnout.
I knew I would get lost when I entered the crowded markets but I found my new hat.
My first thought was that Oaxaca was getting its own tent city enclave of homeless people like back in Saint John. Not exactly.
There was no garbage scattered around. That was one thing. Plus all the residents looked well-dressed and healthy. No signs of opioid use.
A couple of young guys explained that it was on protest on behalf of their teachers. OK, well, I hope they had fun.
This park runs for a few kms in the middle of all those lanes on the main drag, surrounded by traffic. It's a bit run down and there are signs that real homeless people might spend their nights there. It will look much better when Oaxaca sees some rain.
I did my best to find a Burger King but now I wonder they even exist anymore. My quest for a whopper brought me to this interesting park however. And I bought some healthy mandarins on the street.
On that long journey back home, they guy next to me effectively proved that google maps worked well and could be quite accurate but don't count on it in a city. Just ask directions from someone who looks like they know where they're going.
I enjoyed your Oaxaca trip Edward.. Thanks for the virtual tour.
Just a fraction but that's what I captured on my 2 day stay. Fascinating city.
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