Fiona had finally passed and I was off for my first jaunt on my new used wheels. Look, no jacket, toque or hat!
Silent highlights from my first trip down below.
If you want an enhanced video experience, I believe I was listening to Deep Purple: Fireball at the time.

The last time I lived in Saint John, back in the '80s, the door on the right was my apartment. There were two ground floor apartments then but I can see that one of the doors has been boarded up and there is just one big one now. The other apartment was 85 1/2 Newman Street. I was 85 1/2 1/2.
Although the neighborhood seems perfectly nice today, it was quite rough then. You can see the elementary school on the other side of the street. One day, the school children lit my garbage on fire on the street during their recess.
I knew the area could be violent. I was too broke most of the time to buy newspapers, so I didn't know much of what happened in the neighborhood until my mother warned me to be careful as there had been two murders within a 2-block radius in the space of 2 weeks.
During the Christmas holidays that year, a friend I'd worked with in Saint Andrews the previous summer, surprised me with a visit and the gift of two new pairs of shoes. He figured I was in need of footwear and he was right. The shoes I had at the time had too many holes for a Saint John winter. Larry had grown up in this part of the North End and had known one of the convicted killers I had heard about through Mom. He'd visited the mother of the guy who'd stabbed his girlfriend to death. Since her son went directly to jail and Santa wouldn't visit him that year, she gave the shoes, which had been intended as Christmas presents, to Larry to pass on to anyone who needed them. Larry immediately thought of me and I had new shoes.
Possibly a back entrance to Rockwood Park
It's the original Dairy Queen. We had a fund-raising car wash there one Saturday in the 70s for my fencing group.
I came across this nice beachy section of the river I've never seen before.
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