Sunday, May 22, 2016

Corredor Turístico Santa Cruz-La Crucecita or Camino de Santa Cruz

This beautiful new pedestrian road leading from downtown Crucecita directly to Santa Cruz has been open to the public for several months now.  It begins here, behind the football field.   
The work has been underway for this project since before I arrived here, almost 8 years ago.  The long term plan is to have the whole corridor lined with little restaurants and tourist shops.   Plumbing and electricity seems to be ready and waiting.  For now we have this scenic shortcut to the beach with police security until closing time at 10 or 11 at night. 
It's rather impressive.  This is the Crucecita end, already with a shiny new bus stop.
Bike riding isn't allowed so hop off and walk.

There were some gripes floating around about cutting this wedge out of the mountain but the wedge was already there.  Way back on my first Mexican vacation in 2001, this cut through the mountain was the original short cut road from Santa Cruz to Crucecita.   I stayed at Costa Club which has been expanded and renovated since then and goes by the name of Hotel Castillo these days.  I remember  walking on the old road past a concrete wall with school children's art.  Some nasty tourist had spray painted his name over some of the pictures, bragging he was from  Calgary.  That's a long way to go to vandalize school children's art.  I think it's safe to say they wouldn't get away with it today.  Those police would be on them so fast.  The corridor represents a huge investment of time and labor.  
Ok.  Here we go on a virtual tour.

 The night lights are pure magic after dark. 
I'll have to see if I can get some quality night shots.

These are the lots for future shops and restaurants.

Taking a look back at the town from near the top of the hill.

Here's our first glimpse of the ocean.

I love the slides.

There are several little rest spots, complete with stools and a table.

It's a short cut but I can't tell you how fast it is.  I kept stopping to take pictures and admire the view. 

Here I am at the Santa Cruz end.


Anonymous said...

I keep wondering how They have build it. Did you use a many explosions to cut to the mountain? Thank you

priendly said...

If they used explosions, it happened a long time ago. On my first vacation here, that area was a main road to Santa Cruz so the cut through the rocks had already been made. I think it was widened by industrial equipment, not explosions but I didn't see it happen.

priendly said...

That first vacation was back in 2001.