Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thor's Helmet from Cereal Boxes

Here's another successful construction from the designs of the master, Dali-lomo..  Be sure and visit his blog for lots of cool costume designs which he shares freely with the world, even providing downloadable pdfs of his templates and how-to videos with clear instructions on Youtube.  He has already begun newdesigns for 2016, starting with Batman.

This time it's Thor's helmet, made from assorted cereal boxes, to go along with the Mjolnirs from a few months back.  I don't feel I can stop here.   It's time to create a cape and vest and I have some ideas that might work.  Almost anything will be an upgrade from a blue plaid shirt.

The designs come in two sizes.  The first is the larger one, just right for my huge head.
Rowena modeled the smaller one, made from mounting board, which I've learned is called ilustracion in Spanish.  I'm just throwing that out there for any other English teachers who haven't yet mastered the local language.  Somehow, Rowena looks cooler in hers.  Aha!  It's the hair!  I am definitely grabbing the first yellow costume wig I can get my hands on.

Pablo also interrupted his work to humor me.  He has a lean Nordic face that seems to suit it.  The only thing lacking here is that hair.

The helmets didn't take as long to complete as  Mjolnir.  If I really put my mind to it, I think I could make one in a day but time really flies when you're making these things and before you know it, it's time to hit the sack.

1 comment:

dalilomo said...

yes i think the hair makes big difference, great post! - Dalilomo :)