Sunday, August 26, 2012

Catching Up

It's been a while and some photos are two months old.
Hong Bo, William and I at Jose's birthday bash at Chahue.

New teachers.
Our newest recruits. Meet Donna, the mystery woman on the left, and Rebecca beside her. We gathered at Alex's restaurant way up the hill in Sector J. It's bit of a hike there to the top of the second hill and the streets are formidable but it's definitely worth the trip. Besides our own table, those are almost all UMAR people you see in the background

It's not easy to catch everyone smiling at the same time with a group this large. This will suffice.

I managed to get a peek in Brisas Hotel in Tangolunda when the regular English speaking announcer wasn't available for a concert. It was all written out for me, a no-brainer. I just showed up and saw the show for free for 2 minutes of speaking or less.

What I saw seemed vast and I was only in the lobby where gift shops offered deluxe prducts you'd expect to find in a huge international airport.

Maybe I'll find time for more random pictures tomorrow.

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