Friday, July 5, 2024

UMAR Huatulco Graduation 2024

It's that time again already to honor and acknowledge our students for five years of resilience and dedication.  They are our brightest and best and we would love to keep them all but they have the rest of their lives to get on with and the time has come to say congratulations.  Well done.  

Here they come, our 2024 graduates!  Everyone looks so sharp.  

A little injury won't stop our graduates from tackling that hill.

The trick to climbing that hill in heels is to take it gradually, stopping once in a while for a photo op.

Almost there.   

The place is filling up quickly with graduates, teachers and proud families.    I had just a few minutes to take pictures of as many people as I could.  I like to get a shot of everyone but I inevitably fail.  

Isaac made it on time, all the way from Tijuana.  

This is our first time with a display specially made for commemorative photos.  You can bet this was popular.  Sometimes I like to grab photos when people are posing for someone else's camera but the crowd of people waiting their turn after the ceremony made that highly unlikely.

Wait.  There's one now.  He looks a bit old for graduating but better late than never!

It seems that everyone is sitting, ready for the event to begin.  I finally took the hint and found a chair myself.

The ceremony was lovely and touching.  We had a short video on the history of SUNEO announcing our new medal of distinction, Medalla al mérito universitario “Dr. Modesto Seara Vázquez” in honor of our founder.

I have no pictures of the ceremony.  There were plenty of other people taking care of that and some were even professionals.  For me it was time to put the camera down and just absorb the moment. 

This outstanding young woman was our well deserved recipient of the  Dr. Modesto Seara Vázquez medallion this year.  

I think this was my only photo bomb this year.

Uh-oh.  There they go.  They're leaving us. This is real.  Bye, everyone.  We are so proud of you all. 

I would wish everyone good luck in the future but it wasn't luck that brought you all here today.  It was  your work ethic, stamina and adaptability.  These same qualities will carry you forward in the world that has been waiting for you.

This is it. It has been our honor to know you and we will remember you all.  Now, go tackle that world.