This is what it's all about, the annual event where we recognize and formally acknowledge the achievements of our students and the completion of five grueling years of intensive study. Proud teachers, parents and friends come to share this important milestone of their lives. They did the work. We share their triumph. They are our champions. Who would miss such an occasion? I almost did.
Normally a 10 minute walk or less from the Tolantongo shuttle station to the center of Ixmiquilpan, I got lost in the crowded market with no visible landmarks for almost an hour before finding the sexy Diana fountain. The way was clear. Straight to the mini bus station on the highway. The station is mini. The buses are normal sized. You could miss it if you didn't know it was there. Hold that bus! I'm coming!
That bus arrived in 5 minutes. Off to Pachuca. Tried to book a flight to Huatulco en route. No flight! Impossible. There are always flights to Huatulco. Except when they are already full.
Isabel had already confirmed there would be place for me if I could only make it there. the game wasn't over yet. I had a friend who worked at the airport. If anyone knew how to get on a plane, it would be Iris. Yes! There was a plane that would touch down at 8 AM or a bit earlier. Yay!
Next problem. By the time I reached Pachuca I was malnourished and weary. I followed Iris' instructions and realized I had booked the wrong flight seconds later. Iris to the rescue again! She explained I had to call a number and cancel it. the monety would be returned in less than a week but if I'd down it at the airport, there would be a fee. I moved out of the noisy bus station and after 2 dropped connections it was ission accomplished. Wait a minute. I'd absent mindedly left my wallet inside the bus station on top of a garbage can. Run! Phew! Still there! Booked the correct flight this time. Sent the confirmation code to Iris and she had my seat reserved for me. Wow! Outstanding. Everything was under control.
By the time I reached Mexico City I was already feeling burned out and hoping there was a nearby hotel. The prospect of hanging out all night until 6 AM at the airport in my already depleted condition did not appeal. Another miracle. Walking in from the airport, there was EZ Sleep, a little sleeping pod establishment. Saved from a long grueling night.
Iris had taken amazing care of me. Not only had she saved me a seat choice fee, I was at the front of the plane for the first time in my life! Super cool! Thanks again, Iris. You were my hero. I was off that plane in no time, pounding down to the highway for a bus or taxi, whichever came first, when a friendly woman waved to me from a truck. It was Jane, my nieghbor from just 4 doors down the street, arriving to pick up her daughter. bang. Just like that, I had a ride to my door. A shower, change of clothes, light breakfast, I pumped up the saggy tires, revved up the scoot and made it exactly 10 minutes before the main event!
Familiar faces. It was good to be back. These guys have a lot to do with maintaining a smooth operation.
These are some of the faces I was looking for. I planned to make copies of the original photo to pass out to people at the finish line but one of two major earthquakes destroyed that hard drive. This was from an inkjet printer and preserved under a sheet of lamination. There is a high ratio of people in this picture who made it to the finish line. Watch for them. I warn them they are not dressed so casually as in the old photo and sometimes it takes a second look.
We had a groovy art exhibit of faces outside.
That's the artist himself, the man in black
Here they come!

It was time for everyone to head inside.
Isabel texted to check if I'd made it and escorted me to the front row! I felt so VIP. Thank you, Isabel!
Everyone dressed for the occasion.
Somewhere around this point, my picture taking skills started to let me down. Most were too blurry to even consider posting. I always wished I could get a shot of every graduate and I could not have been positioned better for it. Eventually I gave up. sometimes we need to just put the camera down and enjoy the experieince anyways.
That's it. Angel here came all the way from Mexico City to see his friends graduate but he hadn't put himself on a the guest list. Good news. He made it inside anyways.
I am so glad I made it to see these wonderful resilient and hard working people off. An enormous thank you to both Iris and Isabel for smoothing out the journey.
Congratulations, everyone.