UMAR Huatulco celebrates our first live graduation ceremony since 2019.
With all of the obstacles of the pandemic considered, this graduating class has demonstrated real determination and resilience while completing their degrees and it was so wonderful to see everyone in person at this landmark moment in their lives. Genuine smiles were everywhere. The event was exactly what we all needed.I didn't see anyone on campus at first and started to wonder if I hadn't messed up but after turning just a couple of cornerson what felt like a deserted campus, I saw my first graduate.
OK. I am definitely in the right place. I can relax with the FOMO.
Most of our graduates began in 2017. Others had had to interrupt their education at times to find employment (the pandemic certainly didn't help) but they kept returning whenever possible and never gave up.
Back in the summer of 2017, I had only 2 small prope classes. Originally, I had intended to make glossy print copies of these old photos to pass out on graduation day but the big earthquake of 2020 rattled my computer so hard, my hard drive was destroyed. These paper prints are all that remains of our class photos.
Every single person in this first old photo were at graduation day this year, plus one who wasn't there on the last day of class for the photo. See if you can recognize them all in the new graduation pictures.
Most of the next class made it to graduation day too.
There is one of them now, our valedictorian no less.
I could have sworn Leonella had one more year remaining at UMAR.
Prope 2017 photo alert
Everyone is working their way behind the auditorium for the official graduation group photo.

And now we work our way up the hill for the big event.

In the back, we could stand without blocking anyone's view.
Jackpot! Two of my prope students in one shot!
It looks like time for me to find my own seat.
And here come our graduates of 2022!
Just so you know, I'm smiling too.
Pictures continue outside with proud and happy graduates, parents and teachers.
A lot of people look small next to Leonel.