Here we go again on the annual UMAR Huatulco festival, Umarela, to send 2019 off with a bang.
We have a lot of walking ahead of us so everybody lines up for a big Christmas lunch.
They're ready.
Rowena danced and pirouetted all the way.
Last minute preparations in Auto Accesso.
Just a few more finishing touches.
I just stepped out and random people offered me cake.
They insisted.
We're almost at the official Umarela headquarters.
Here we go. Once everyone starts moving and the light fades, quality photos are a lot trickier.
Riding in style. You don't miss much from up there.
Hey, it's Jan and Dan, our special oceanographer guests from the last Meeting Point.

I wondered where the bright christmas tree had come from.
Wait a minute. Those aren't UMAR students.
There were two parades that night and they merged when I wasn't looking.
Time for the double decker bus ride.
Directly ahead,everybody had to duck below the seats as the bus pushed through palm leaves.
That's our destination, straight ahead.
That's the view from the stage. I was up there with The Meeting Point singers.
Out of maybe 30 quick shots, I managed to get a couple of photos of these dynamic athletic salsa dancers. Mostly they were a blur.
Someone said hello. I turned. Holy smokes. Cinderella herself.
That's me with Aladdin's girl. I don't know her name because I've never seen the movie. Princess Lilo maybe.
Is it just me or does Angelica look ready to go home?
And then suddenly, I realized I was tired too. Look at me with Irma. My eyes are only half open and my wings are floppy.