Christmas time at UMAR once again. Umarela is always fun and I'd hate to miss it. This year, however, I woke up Umarela morning with a raging fever, not sure if I was going to join the fun or not but the wise decision to take a 600 mg Ibuprofen at 10 in the morning made everything almost alright. The full body ache disappeared and my attitude improved. There was a slight dizzy spell or two but that could have been the medication. I'm just glad I didn't go for the 800 mg. option. That could have meant lights out.
As usual, the best pictures are at the beginning, before it gets dark and everyone is in constant motion.
Santa's cheerleaders.
It was a good time but I didn't stick around for the show. I slipped off to go straight to bed once the parade arrived downtown but not before one last photo op with Peter Pan herself. I was out like a light in 5 seconds flat. Good times.
Wait a minute. Who's this? It's Amairani. I bumped into her on my way to join the parade. I couldn't persuade her to come along but followers of this blog may recognize her from Umarela 2012