I found an affordable hotel right away, not too far from the bus stop. Oh look. It's the UMAR Oaxaca campus. I wonder if I've walked by it before without noticing.
This the Hotel Real Santo Domingo. I love the old colonial buildings.
Stairway leading to the roof.
Watch your step. There are a few dangling wires and cables. It's a long way down.
Watch your head. The exit on to the roof is quite low and I gave my head a hard crack on the bar.
Views from the rooftop.
Shopping gets boring quickly. I found new shoes and sneakers and put them to work right away with a walk around the town.
One less tree in the downtown zocalo since my last visit.
I don't know what people were writing but the invitation to scrawl on the temporary wall was popular.
With all of the excellent restaurants in Oaxaca, I chose to have one meal at Burger King. We don't have any fast food chains in Huatulco. That's where I ran into one of our UMAR students, preparing the finishing touches of his makeup in the bathroom. His name is Jahweh (my spelling is probably wrong) and he is hilarious. He didn't seem to repeat himself at all, just kept improvising and reacting to every little circumstance. Even in the rain, his audience stayed there in the middle of the street, to see what he would do next.